Monday, March 19, 2007

Black and White Conversions

These are all created using Photoshop. Enjoy!!

*Image>Adjustments>Channel Mixer and check the monochrome box.

*Play with the top three sliders.

*Make them add up to 100%.

*Here's some film emulation suggested settings:

Agfa 200X: 18,41,41

Agfapan 25: 25,39,36

Agfapan 100: 21,40,39

Agfapan 400: 20,41,39

Ilford Delta 100: 21,42,37

Ilford Delta 400: 22,42,36

Ilford Delta 400 Pro: 31,36,33

& 3200

Ilford FP4: 28,41,31

Ilford HP5: 23,37,40

Ilford Pan F: 33,36,31

Ilford SFX: 36,31,33

Ilford XP2 Super: 21,42,37

Kodak Tmax 100: 24,37,39

Kodak Tmax 400: 27,36,37

Kodak Tri-X: 25,35,40

And these basic ones:

Normal Contrast: 43,33,30

High Contrast: 40,34,60