Monday, March 19, 2007

The 411 On Choosing A Wedding Photographer

It seems that with the new digital camera age everyone is now a photographer & this has brought about a very large number of newer & less educated & experienced people into the wedding photography market who are not only leaving a negative impact on the quality of work that is being produced but also leaving a sour taste in the mouth of many, many brides.

Many brides have found out the hard way, usually after receiving their images that they made an avoidable mistake. Brides make the common mistake thinking that all photography is the same & that what at first looks like a real bargain, in the end turns out to be much more expensive then they anticipated.

Currently we have in the wedding photography market what we call tons & I mean tons of weekend warriors offering bargain wedding photography services for $200, $250, $300, $500, $700 & even $800, their lugging around very expensive digital camera equipment as if this is what makes a photographer a professional. More often then not this is a WARNING SIGN that is screaming for your attention. These are usually first time wedding photographers just starting to make their way into the wedding market who are trying to get their feet in the door so to speak. You'll also find very desperate individuals offering to shoot your wedding for free as a way for them to gain experience. Don't let them practice on your wedding day because in the end you will be the one who finds themselves very disappointed.

Here are few important questions to ask when meeting with a photographer, In order of importance:

Q. What type of personality do you have?

A. I honestly think this is single most important question you can ask a photographer & whether you know it or not this will be the number one reason you hire your photographer. It’s hard to believe but it’s true, you will find many personalities during the interview process; before you know it, you will come away with a good idea of who you want to hire based on this alone. Learn to pick up clues during your interviews, what is your first impression, is he/she polite, is he/she well dressed, how does he/she carry themselves? The key thing to remember is that you must feel comfortable around the individual who will be capturing your memories; you both need to click in order for your images to be the best they can be. It’s all based on trust.

Q. What will it cost me to retain your services?

A. This is one of the most important factors when considering who to hire as your photographer, you will find rates from as low as a couple hundred dollars to well over a few thousand dollars. When it comes to cost the worst possible decision you can make will be one based on “saving money” this factor alone. Stay away from those seeking to practice on your wedding. Once you educate yourself on the different photographic personalities, styles, methods & work, and you separate the pros from the uneducated rookies you can than determine a good rule of thumb, figure to budget between $1,500 - $2,500 for a talented photographer.

Q. How many years of experience do you have photographing weddings?

A. More often then not a seasoned wedding photographer will have many years of experience assisting a pro or many years of actually photographing weddings, but do not automatically assume that just because they have many years of experience that they are the right photographer for you. I’ve known of photographer's with many years of experience with awesome work, I also know newer photographer's with less then 3 years of experience with outstanding work. Always ask to view their albums, examples of recent work & see if it fits what you’re looking for in a photographer.

Q. What is your wedding photography style?

A. With each photographer comes a different style of photography, seek one who fits your needs. You have some who only shoot documentary, other's who only offer traditional & yet you have those few daring individuals who will offer you both forms of coverage and really only bring you great results. Choose a photographer that has a style that meets your needs.

Thank you!!

Carlos Hernandez


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