Monday, February 19, 2007

Joshua Elijah's Baptism - New Life Church Austin, Texas

Last night during one of our final Sunday night children's service, our son Joshua was finally baptized by Pastor David K. Bernard. When we first started to attend New Life church in Austin, Texas Joshua was a little over a year old. He is now 8 years old and our little man is now Holy Ghost filled and baptized in Jesus name.

I am so proud of my son. He is the sweetest most caring little boy; I often wondered why the good Lord blessed me with such a fine son. I used to think that he blessed me with him because of the fact that I grew up without a father myself and this in turn would help me to become the father I never had or thought I was blessed with him because of a deep desire to have a son to raise or yet maybe because of the hurts and pains I felt as a young boy and not having a father to turn too in my time of need. In a way I feel the Lord did answer my prayers regarding all these different things in my life, but I finally realized something. The Lord finally showed me why I was blessed with him, and I understood it like this; he is not mine to keep or own but he was put in my life for a season to teach him, nurture him, look over him and raise him in the way's of the Lord, to raise a man after God's own heart. And as parent this is my whole purpose as a father. I love you son.

(These images was photographed using a vintage Polaroid 440 Land Camera w/ Polaroid 667 3,000 ISO film using only existing light. Except for some very slight levels adjustments in Photoshop the photographs were captured & posted as is, no additional dodging or burning was done.) I will post more Polaroid images shortly.

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