Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dagerreotype Textures - Purchase Information

First off I'd like to thank all of you who have purchased & have shown much interest in my daguerreotype textures, as a token of my appreciation I will be offering all of my textures at a reduced cost, I am currently in the process of updating the new rates to reflect this change & am also working on introducing new daguerreotype textures.

Get more for your money!

10 - Choose Any Daguerreotype Textures $39.99 (Previous rate $49.99 for 5 Textures)
20 - Choose Any Daguerreotype Textures $89.99 (Previous rate $99.99 for 10 Textures)
30 - Choose Any Daguerreotype Textures $149.99(Previous rate $199.99 for 20 Textures)

If your interested in a larger amount of textures, please inquire.

You can also continue to purchase singular Daguerreotype Textures at my storefront. The cost for each single Daguerreotype Texture file is now $15.00 each (Previous Rate $20.00 each)

The quickest way to pay for the items is via: My [e][mail address] is admin][at][carloshernandezphotography][dot][com]

To choose your textures please visit:

To pay for your textures please visit:

You will receive excellent quality "8 x 12" 300 dpi textures. Visit the site for preview, all textures have their order # located on the bottom of the image.

These textures are unique & one of a kind. You will not find anyone else offering these types of textures anywhere on the internet!

You have nothing to lose & everything to gain, the benefit you will receive from working with these Daguerreotype textures far exceeds the cost. You will create artistic work that is unlike anything you’ve created before; look at this opportunity as another way of extending your creativity & taking it to another level.

Any questions...send me an email & I will respond promptly.

Thank you!

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